
Top 5 Yoga Asanas for Managing Stress

Stress is a real issue of the present generation and the only ones to blame for this is ourselves and our over thinking habits. To cope up the present over tough lifestyle, we all are dealing with immense pressure and stress. In fact, more pressure and stress leads to serious anxiety issues and depression trauma. Therapists are the first people to look out for when someone is dealing with these issues. But, if you don’t want to go till that level and want to sort out things on a regular easy basis, you must indulge in yoga asanas . Yoga has a direct connection with a mind and soul and leads to lessen the pressure off your mind. There are specific poses that targets managing stress and here we talk about them. 1. Balasana (Child’s Pose) How to do it: Sit on your knees with resting the palms on the ground. Bend your body extremely low and forward so that your forehead touches the ground. Stay in that position for as long as you can and that would make you relaxed. Breathe n